
Watkin-Johnson是一家美國(guó)電(diàn)子设备制造公司,成立于1952年,总部位于加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托市。该公司主要生产高频電(diàn)子设备,包括雷达系统、通信设备、卫星通信设备、无線(xiàn)電(diàn)设备等。Watkin-Johnson公司的产品广泛应用(yòng)于军事、航空航天、通信、医疗等领域。 Watkin-Johnson公司的创始人是两位電(diàn)子工程师,分(fēn)别是John Watkins和Robert Johnson。他(tā)们在二战期间曾在美國(guó)陆军雷达实验室工作,积累了丰富的電(diàn)子技术经验。1952年,他(tā)们共同创立了Watkin-Johnson公司,开始生产高频電(diàn)子设备。 在60年代和70年代,Watkin-Johnson公司成為(wèi)美國(guó)國(guó)防部的主要供应商(shāng)之一。该公司生产的雷达系统和通信设备被广泛应用(yòng)于美國(guó)军队的各种武器系统中,包括导弹、战斗机、直升机等。此外,该公司还生产了一系列卫星通信设备,為(wèi)美國(guó)國(guó)防部提供了重要的通信保障。 随着電(diàn)子技术的不断发展,Watkin-Johnson公司也在不断创新(xīn)和改进产品。该公司的研发团队不断推出新(xīn)的高频電(diàn)子设备,包括微波放大器、混频器、频率合成器等。这些产品不仅应用(yòng)于军事领域,还被广泛应用(yòng)于民(mín)用(yòng)领域,如通信、医疗、科(kē)研等。 2000年,Watkin-Johnson公司被英國(guó)電(diàn)子公司GEC-Marconi收購(gòu),成為(wèi)其子公司。随后,GEC-Marconi又(yòu)被英國(guó)國(guó)防公司BAE Systems收購(gòu)。目前,Watkin-Johnson公司仍然是BAE Systems的子公司,继续為(wèi)军事和民(mín)用(yòng)领域提供高频電(diàn)子设备。

1H501-001U-571 Watkin-Johnson 市价
1H551-001U-571 Watkin-Johnson 市价
1H496-001U-571 Watkin-Johnson 市价
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Watkin-Johnson is a leading manufacturer of high-performance microwave and radio frequency (RF) components and subsystems. The company has been in operation for over 60 years and has established itself as a trusted supplier to the defense, aerospace, and commercial industries. The company's product portfolio includes a wide range of RF and microwave components, such as amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, filters, and switches. These components are designed to operate in harsh environments and meet the stringent requirements of military and aerospace applications. Watkin-Johnson's expertise in RF and microwave technology has enabled the company to develop innovative solutions for a variety of applications. For example, the company's high-power amplifiers are used in radar systems, electronic warfare systems, and communication systems. Its low-noise amplifiers are used in satellite communication systems and scientific research applications. In addition to its standard product offerings, Watkin-Johnson also provides custom solutions to meet the specific needs of its customers. The company's engineering team works closely with customers to develop solutions that meet their unique requirements, from concept to production. Watkin-Johnson's commitment to quality is evident in its ISO 9001:2015 certification. The company's quality management system ensures that its products meet the highest standards of quality and reliability. The company's success is due in large part to its highly skilled workforce. Watkin-Johnson employs a team of experienced engineers, technicians, and support staff who are dedicated to delivering the best possible products and services to its customers. Overall, Watkin-Johnson is a trusted supplier of high-performance RF and microwave components and subsystems. Its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer service has made it a leader in the industry and a valued partner to its customers.


