
ANTCOM是一家专注于卫星导航和通信技术的公司,成立于1994年,总部位于美國(guó)加利福尼亚州。公司的主要业務(wù)包括卫星天線(xiàn)、卫星导航接收机、卫星通信设备和系统等。ANTCOM的产品广泛应用(yòng)于军事、民(mín)用(yòng)、航空航天、海洋和能(néng)源等领域。 ANTCOM的卫星天線(xiàn)产品包括GPS天線(xiàn)、GLONASS天線(xiàn)、Galileo天線(xiàn)、北斗天線(xiàn)等,这些天線(xiàn)具有(yǒu)高精度、高可(kě)靠性、高抗干扰性等特点,能(néng)够满足不同领域的需求。ANTCOM的卫星导航接收机产品包括GPS接收机、GLONASS接收机、Galileo接收机等,这些接收机具有(yǒu)高灵敏度、高精度、高可(kě)靠性等特点,能(néng)够实现高精度的定位和导航。ANTCOM的卫星通信设备和系统产品包括卫星電(diàn)话、卫星调制解调器、卫星通信系统等,这些产品具有(yǒu)高速率、高可(kě)靠性、高安全性等特点,能(néng)够满足不同领域的通信需求。 ANTCOM的产品在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用(yòng)和认可(kě),公司的客户包括美國(guó)國(guó)防部、NASA、欧洲空间局、中國(guó)航天局等知名机构和企业。ANTCOM一直致力于技术创新(xīn)和产品研发,公司拥有(yǒu)一支高素质的研发团队和先进的生产设备,能(néng)够不断推出具有(yǒu)创新(xīn)性和竞争力的产品。 ANTCOM的使命是為(wèi)客户提供高品质、高性能(néng)的卫星导航和通信产品和服務(wù),公司的愿景是成為(wèi)全球领先的卫星导航和通信技术提供商(shāng)。ANTCOM将继续秉承“创新(xīn)、质量、服務(wù)、合作”的核心价值观,不断推动卫星导航和通信技术的发展和应用(yòng),為(wèi)人类的发展和进步做出贡献。

23G1215A-XRS-4 ANTCOM 市价
4G1215P-XS-3 ANTCOM 市价
Someone has searched this part IC Chips and others have searched some relevant parts as the following:

ANTCOM is a leading provider of high-performance antennas and antenna systems for a wide range of applications. The company has been in business for over 25 years and has established a reputation for delivering innovative and reliable solutions to its customers. ANTCOM's products are used in a variety of industries, including aerospace, defense, telecommunications, and transportation. One of the key strengths of ANTCOM is its ability to design and manufacture custom antennas to meet the specific needs of its customers. The company has a team of experienced engineers who work closely with customers to understand their requirements and develop solutions that meet or exceed their expectations. ANTCOM's state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities allow it to produce high-quality antennas in large quantities, ensuring that customers receive their products on time and within budget. ANTCOM's product portfolio includes a wide range of antennas, including GPS antennas, satellite antennas, communication antennas, and radar antennas. The company's antennas are designed to operate in harsh environments and are built to withstand extreme temperatures, vibration, and shock. ANTCOM's antennas are also highly efficient, providing excellent signal strength and clarity. In addition to its antenna products, ANTCOM also offers a range of antenna accessories, including mounts, cables, and connectors. These accessories are designed to work seamlessly with ANTCOM's antennas, ensuring that customers have everything they need to install and operate their systems. ANTCOM is committed to providing its customers with the highest level of service and support. The company has a team of knowledgeable sales representatives who are available to answer questions and provide guidance on product selection. ANTCOM also offers technical support and training to ensure that customers are able to get the most out of their antenna systems. Overall, ANTCOM is a trusted and reliable provider of high-performance antennas and antenna systems. With its focus on innovation, quality, and customer service, the company is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the years to come.


