
DELPHI是一家全球领先的汽車(chē)零部件制造商(shāng),总部位于美國(guó)密歇根州特洛伊市。该公司成立于1994年,是由美國(guó)通用(yòng)汽車(chē)公司的零部件部门分(fēn)拆而成。DELPHI的产品范围广泛,包括发动机管理(lǐ)系统、車(chē)身電(diàn)子系统、安全系统、燃油系统、制动系统、底盘系统等。 DELPHI在全球拥有(yǒu)超过160,000名员工,分(fēn)布在40多(duō)个國(guó)家和地區(qū)的200多(duō)个工厂和技术中心。该公司的客户包括全球各大汽車(chē)制造商(shāng),如通用(yòng)汽車(chē)、福特、大众、丰田、本田等。此外,DELPHI还為(wèi)航空、军事、工业和医疗等领域提供高科(kē)技产品和服務(wù)。 DELPHI一直致力于创新(xīn)和技术领先,拥有(yǒu)众多(duō)专利和技术创新(xīn)。该公司在汽車(chē)電(diàn)子、混合动力、自动驾驶等领域处于领先地位。DELPHI还积极推动可(kě)持续发展,致力于减少环境污染和提高能(néng)源效率。 近年来,DELPHI加强了与其他(tā)公司的合作,以扩大业務(wù)范围和提高市场竞争力。2017年,DELPHI与英國(guó)汽車(chē)零部件制造商(shāng)GKN Driveline合并,成立了新(xīn)公司Aptiv,专注于开发和生产自动驾驶技术和智能(néng)出行解决方案。 总之,DELPHI是一家拥有(yǒu)悠久历史和强大实力的汽車(chē)零部件制造商(shāng),致力于创新(xīn)和可(kě)持续发展,為(wèi)全球汽車(chē)行业和其他(tā)领域提供高品质产品和服務(wù)。

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15305170 DELPHI Cable Accessories Sealing Plug Silicone White Loose Piece 市价
28084560 DELPHI -
Someone has searched this part IC Chips and others have searched some relevant parts as the following:

Delphi Technologies is a leading global provider of advanced propulsion technologies, with a focus on developing innovative solutions for the automotive industry. The company has a long history of innovation and has been at the forefront of the automotive industry for over a century. Delphi Technologies is headquartered in London, UK, and has operations in over 24 countries worldwide. Delphi Technologies is committed to developing sustainable solutions that reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency. The company's products and services include advanced fuel injection systems, engine management systems, electrification solutions, and aftermarket parts and services. Delphi Technologies is also a leader in the development of autonomous driving technologies, with a focus on developing advanced sensors and software that enable vehicles to operate safely and efficiently in a variety of driving conditions. One of the key strengths of Delphi Technologies is its focus on research and development. The company invests heavily in R&D, with a team of over 2,000 engineers and scientists working to develop new technologies and solutions. Delphi Technologies has a number of research and development centers around the world, including facilities in the US, UK, China, and India. Delphi Technologies is also committed to sustainability and social responsibility. The company has a number of initiatives in place to reduce its environmental impact, including a focus on reducing waste and emissions in its manufacturing processes. Delphi Technologies also supports a number of community initiatives, including education and workforce development programs. In conclusion, Delphi Technologies is a leading global provider of advanced propulsion technologies, with a focus on developing innovative solutions for the automotive industry. The company's commitment to sustainability, research and development, and social responsibility make it a leader in the industry and a valuable partner for customers around the world.


